- Environment is a resource material: (i) a renewable such as biomass, (ii) non-renewable, such as gas, petroleum, coal, minerals, metals etc..
- Disruption of function and environmental quality of the emergence of problems will occur when natural or man-made process can not recycle 'spent resources' which led to the accumulation of 'spent resources' and the decline in environmental quality and carrying capacity of nature.
- Some causes of environmental degradation: (i) the slow process of recycling, (ii) is not immediately available workflow technology, (iii) higher rate than the rate of resource use recycled resources.
- The United Nations (UN) Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm (1972) is used as the initial 'interconnectedness of economic activity and the environment' and is the world's political and economic agenda.
- Measures to address global environmental problems have been taken and embodied in a program of the world the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP).
- The results of this conference is documented in "Our Common Future" 1987, which is supported by more than 50 world leaders and gave birth to the conference "The UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), known as 'Earth Summit' in Rio de Janeiro (1992).
- Problem solving: 10-15% of the world view of industrial environmental pollution problem solving as a regulatory compliance cost burden for a business activity.
- Managing for compliance: 70-80% of the industry saw the completion of environmental issues is a complement in order to meet existing regulations.
- Managing for assurance: 10-15% of the industry see further management of environmental risk as the potential is balanced between environmental management and environmental management costs.
- Managing for eco-efficiency, the industry (very rare) that is aware that pollution prevention is more 'cost effective' than on pollution control.
- Activities that threaten the physical environment is expressed as environmental pollution (environmental pollution) that can be changed to fouling the environment (Environmental Contamination).
- Pollution is defined as the entry of substances, energy and aliens into the environment so that environmental quality decline and no longer suitable with destining.
- Control of activities that threaten the environment is made up of the pollution control and prevention of pollution sources.
- The concept of pollution control is usually aimed at just one medium, eg air, water and soil.
- The concept of the present is the quality control of waste that requires a reference / guideline in the assessment and structuring
- Air quality guidelines, the form of ambient air quality standard (Ambient Air Quality Standards) and the raw air emissions (Emmission Quality Standards) for stationary sources and mobile sources.
- Guidelines for quality of raw water quality in the form of a body of water (Stream Quality Standards) and the quality of raw effluent (Effluent Quality Standards), for both the industrial and urban activities
- Pollution control with the application of the technology known today is the 'end of the treatment technology' or 'end-of-pipe treatment technology'.
- This concept is the concept of command and control, which reviews only the imposition on any of the media air, water or soil and solve one problem that focused on one activity.
- Examples of these concepts are (1) the use of gasoline with the addition of TEL (tetra ethyl lead) to increase the octane number so there is no knocking can cause a toxic lead vapors, (2) the use of DDT for mosquito larvae killer, causing other insects die, too.
EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) as AMDAL
- The concept that developed after the 'end-of-pipe treatment technology' is ' Environmental Impact Assessment '(EIA), this concept is known as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which in Indonesian stated in Government Regulation No. 51/1993.
- EIS-generating Application EIA Environmental Impact Statement which must be complied with by the proponent and environmental managers to implement the agreed outcomes.
- The concept of EIA followed by waste minimization which is rooted in the concept of management of B3 waste (hazardous and toxic materials), then UNEP proposed the concept of 'Cleaner Production' or cleaner production implemented by UNIDO, the next concept of 'Pollution Prevention' or the prevention of pollution developed by US-EPA (United States) which states that recycling should be done directly or in-pipe-recycle.
- At the request of the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, the business world for global trade proposed the concept of eco-efficiency to achieve sustainable development.
Waste Minimization
Has a shrinkage target waste at source, which is the application of pollution prevention on the basis of waste volume reduction and waste power.
Stages of implementation carried out without the sequence, the higher chance of the selected first:
(1) Source reduction
- raw material (perubahan jenis bahan baku
- process changes (perubahan proses)
- equipment modification (pengubahan peralatan)
(2) On site or off site recycle, reuse, recovery
(3) Waste treatment
(4) Waste disposal
- The concept of cleaner production is defined as the continuous application of an integrated environmental strategy to processes, products and services.
- The term cleaner production converted into the language of cleaner production is a sustainable strategy to improve products, processes and services to reduce environmental impact and working towards ecologically sustainable development and economic.
- This concept involves the efficient utilization of natural resources is significant also for the depreciation of human health and safety risks.
- Completion is emphasized at the source rather than at the end of the process or preventive approach at the end of the pipe.
- One of the cleaner production efforts of the most simple to implement on the production process is good housekeeping - activities related to spill prevention and spill collection and management, the cleanliness can be maintained and efficiency reachable for a big gain.
This concept was developed by the U.S. EPA (United States result from a failure of monitoring the release of B3 waste.
This concept states that recycling should be done directly or in-pipe-recycle.
Comprehensive management systems coveted by industry, government and society.
This concept was developed based on end-of-pipe treatment technology and waste minimization can not meet the target to restrain the rate of utilization of limited natural resources and the Protection of natural quality.
This concept is the application of the statute of pollution (pollution prevention act.)
Tahap-tahap Pollution Preventation :
Source reduction
- material substitution
- process changes
- equipment modification
On site recycle
Waste treatment, and
Waste disposal
- The difference between the concept of waste minimization and pollution prevention lies in the determination of the main opportunities.
- Prevention of pollution to determine the depreciation of pollution sources as the beginning of activities and waste should not be released into the environment.
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